Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para build up en español


build up verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
aumentar, intensificar

Ejemplos de uso de
build up verb

  • static electricity built up on the cat's fur
  • the roller coaster built up momentum

build verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
built, has built, is building, builds
construir, edificar, ensamblar, levantar; desarrollar, elaborar, forjar

Ejemplos de uso de
build verb

  • The bridge was built in the 1890s.
  • The planes were built in Germany.
  • The organization helps build houses for poor families.
  • A family of birds has built a nest on our roof.
  • She started building a fire in the fireplace.
  • He built a model airplane from a kit.
  • You will need permission to build on your property.
  • They are building a legal case against the tobacco industry.
  • scientists building theories about how the universe began
  • At college, you'll build friendships that will last a lifetime.
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Traducción inversa para build up

aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise 
intensificar  - to intensify